Next General Membership Meeting
Saturday February 8, 2025
Atlee High School Auditorium
County Reflections Ceremony
Save the Date!
HC PTA Resource Fair
Wednesday March 26, 2025
Hanover High School 6-8 pm (Doors Open 5:30 pm
​1) Nominations and Elections Toolkit and Virginia PTA Resources​
Nominations Season is right around the corner. Consult our Nominations and Electons toolkit!
Nominations Information-Virginia PTA
2} Awards Information-Volunteer of Year/Certificate of Excellence
Please see our Awards Page for more information.
VOY Deadline-3/1
Certificate of Excellence Deadline-4/15/25
3 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Senior Scholarship
Scholarship Opportunity!
Announcing our HCC PTA Senior Scholarship application!
Application deadline is Sunday March 16, 2025.
Hanover County High School Seniors and Families-Please review carefully for application requirements. This opportunity is open to Hanover County high schools with a PTSA.
Click link below for entire application/requirements: https://bit.ly/3BUqTl2
Annual Compliance Reminders
1) Financial Review Form and Reminders
Start getting your documents ready now for your unit's summer financial review/audit!
Who can complete the financial review for your unit? (Virginia PTA)
Your Financial Review can be completed by:
A Financial Review Committee of at least 3 non-authorized signers appointed by your Executive Board OR,
Participate in a Financial Review Swap hosted by your Council PTA OR,
Swap books with a neighboring PTA.
2) Compliance 2024-2025
Beginning August 1, 2024, be sure to upload all compliance documents and pay first round of membership dues to ensure compliance and received your Standards of Affiliation letter!
Upload confirmation of "ACCEPTED" filing of 990 Postcard or 990 EZ by IRS into Givebacks (formerly Memberhub)
Insurance-Be sure to upload the insurance certificate.
How to Upload These Documents
On your Givebacks Dashboard, go to Compliance>Enter Compliance Submissions.
Once ALL Compliance documents and first dues payment has been uploaded, an SOA letter will be uploaded to your SOA Letter section in Givebacks by Virginia PTA.
3) Other Helpful Compliance Links
Here are a few helpful links if you need an extension to upload your 990 or resubmit a compliance document (once it has been approved by Virginia PTA)
1) 990 Submission Due Date Extension: https://forms.office.com/r/S00zkb8JUg 2) Request
2) Compliance Document Rejection to enable re-submission (for example mid year insurance expiration) https://forms.office.com/r/HgVEQqPHGu
New PTA Officer?
Sign up below for Givebacks (formerly Memberhub) Workshops!
These are a great way to get familiar with Memberhub and all the functions such as paying membership dues, logging in members, setting up fundraisiers, newsletters, etc.
1) National PTA Membership Toolkit
Use these resources to promote membership within your PTA!
Please be sure to pay your PTA membership dues and upload membership lists.
How to pay dues:
a)Givebacks (Easiest and preferred way!)
Easiest way to pay is by Givebacks under the Membership tab>Remit State Dues
Instructions here.
If you need to import your PTA members to Givebacks, please find instructions to do so here.
b) Mail dues payment and membership list to Virginia PTA State Office.
3) MEMBERHUB SHOP TO GIVE (formerly Givebacks)
Shop to Give is a Givebaks program that allows for your PTA members and supporters (backers) to purchase from online and in person vendors and donate up to 1% of their purchase to your PTA. There are also cash back options for certain vendors as well.

Connect with Us!
Facebook: @hanovercouncilofptas
hanoverccpta.memberhub.com (Members only)
Email: hanoverccpta@gmail.com

The VA PTA Board of Directors has adopted their Equity and Diversity Statement on June 18, 2020. Read more HERE: